The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cheats (PS3)
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim cheat codes for the PS3.
Easy Level-Up
This Glitch allows you to level up several of your stats as well as actual level. Ones Raisable : 1 handed, 2 handed, Archery, Destruction, Sneak and Restoration. In order to do this glitch travel to Riverwood, then look for Alvor and Sigrid's House. (Blacksmiths house) Go inside and look for Hadvar. When you see him ensure it is just you and him around. Then Enter Sneak mode and proceed to utilise the skills you wish to level up. He is immortal and will not react besides falling temporarily when out of health. I.e. No aggression to you or calling the guards.
Free house in Whiterun
Go into the castle and find Proventus Avenicci. For this glitch to work, you need to make sure he's by something you can store items in. (his bedroom has a wardrobe that's perfect for this glitch) Make sure you have 5000 gold and talk to him about buying the house. Select the answer "I'll take it" and immediately press "O" to back out of the conversation. Then quickly open up the wardrobe and store all your gold in it. You'll receive the key to the house, and then you can retrieve all your gold from the wardrobe.
Free training for leveling up in combat skills
Go to Riverwood and get Faendal as your follower. Ask him to train you in archery and pay him the gold. After gaining a level talk to him and ask to trade with him. Take the gold back out of his inventory and then ask him to train another level. Rinse and repeat infinitely. This also works with any of the Companion followers who are also trainers in Whiterun. (Aela, Athis, Farkas, Njada and Vilkas)
Infinite EXP
At the beginning of the game, when your rescuer unbinds you they will not respond to attacks, you can exploit this to level archery or any combat ability on them with no consequence.
Infinite Money
Grab any Horse and Carriage to Winterhold. Once at Winterhold, turn right immediately. Travel Southwest from Winterhold to a location called "Sightless Pit". Just above Slightless Pit a little higher on the mountain (not much higher) you will see a alter with a skeleton on it, beside the skeleton is a book called "The Doors to Oblivion". Pick up the book, and kill the skeleton on the table, Two other skeletons will rise around the alter, kill these as well. Return to the Skeleton near where you picked up the book, and loot it's body, take everything, and loot again, you'll notice the book on this skeleton continually re-appears, giving you an unlimited supply of "The Doors of Oblivion" worth 50 gold each. Every time you view the Skeletons inventory, even if you do not remove the book, adds 1 book to the skeletons inventory. Enjoy.
Infinite skill level up glitch (Pre-Patch)
First a requirement for this glitch is Oghma Infinium (acquired from the daedric quest 'Discerning the Transmundane') that is in your inventory and not read and a book shelf (found in breezehome after getting the alchemy lab upgrade). Save before going further. what you want to do is go to the book shelf and read the book and choose your skill set. close the book but do not exit the bookshelf. store the book into the bookshelf and then exit it. Take the book off the shelf and select the option (Do not read). repeat the process until desired.
Invisible Dawnstar Chest
In Dawnstar, just left of the entrance to Iron-Breaker Mine, are a tree and three rocks. Approach the rock in the back and look down at it and you will receive a prompt to open a chest. Do so and you will find large quantities of equipment (both enchanted and standard), gold, crafting consumables and potions. These items will improve in quality as your level increases. The chest is tied to the salable inventory of the Khajit Ahkari. Ahkari wanders Skyrim with her caravan, but can be easily found outside Dawnstar. If you Fast Travel to Dawnstar, she will be in the tent immediately behind you. If you do not see the group, Wait (by pressing Select and waiting in-game hours) until she is there.
There are two ways to respawn the chest. If you wait 48 in-game hours her inventory will restock, restocking the chest's contents as well. Alternately, you can save the game next to Ahkari, then kill her. Reload the save you just made and view her inventory. It will have restocked along with the chest's contents!
Open Display Cases Without Lockpicks
This works on anything within a locked display case in the game. Look directly at the item through the display case glass. Now hit X to activate the lockpick mingame, but rather than taking the time to actually pick the lock, you can hit CIRCLE to back out of the lockpicking screen and immediately hit the X button. If done correctly, you will take the item from within the case without having to unlock the display case. i.e. the Elven Sword in the display case in Jarl Balgruuf's bed chamber area in Dragonsreach. It has a Master level lock but using this method you can get it without wasting time or lockpicks. NOTE: This is in most cases stealing, so dont get caught !
Permanently dupe one item.
A mannequin can duplicate any one piece of visible apparel (armor, clothes, rings, etc) indefinitely. To do this, go to the mannequin, store the visible armor, and exit out the menu. The mannequin should disappear, pardoning the hands. Go back into the mannequin, and equip any other piece of equipment that is a different type than the one you want to dupe. (if you want to dupe a chest piece, do no put another chest piece on it). Then exit out of the menu. The mannequin should still be invisible. Go back into the menu, and take back the piece you want to dupe. The mannequin should become visible with the second piece of armor on it. Leave the area, and re-enter. Your mannequin should be invisible again. When you check it again, it will still have a copy of the armor that you took off of it. Exit and re-enter whenever you want another copy. One thing to note, is that the mannequin will now always have that one thing on them, and I have yet to find a way to change what it dupes. So basically your one item will be "imprinted" onto the mannequin permanently. Voila!
Unlimited shouts!
So, to get no shout cooldown, you're going to want to get 5 Amulets of Talos, and then, you need to, A. either be able to transform into a vampire lord, or a werewolf, and, B. have a follower. Then, transform and talk to your follower at the same time, then pick "I need to trade some things with you.", give them the amulets, press equip to equip them straight out of your follower's inventory. If done correctly, you're now wearing 5 Amulets of Talos, which 20*5=100, so you have no shout cooldown, shout away.
GTA 5 Cheats
Grand Theft Auto V is a 2013 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games.
GTA 5 Max Health and Armor
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, RIGHT, X, LB, LB, LB
Phone: 1-999-887-853 [1-999-TURTLE]
This Max Health and Armor cheat will heal you instantly in GTA 5 and fill both meters.
Full weapons and ammo GTA 5 cheat
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: Y, RT, LEFT, LB, A, RIGHT, Y, DOWN, X, LB, LB, LB
Phone: 1-999-866-587 [1-999-TOOLUP]
The GTA 5 weapons and ammo cheat code will unlock all weapons give you full ammo.
GTA 5 Invincibility code
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: RIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, A, Y
Phone: 1-999-7246-545-537 [1-999-PAINKILLER]
This GTA 5 invincibility cheat gives you five minutes of invulnerability, during which time you'll take no damage. You'll need to reenter it once it's run out.
Raise GTA 5 Wanted Level
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: RB, RB, B, RT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Phone: 1-999-3844-8483 [1-999-FUGITIVE]
This Raise Wanted Level cheat adds one star to your wanted level in GTA 5 each time you enter the code.
Lower GTA 5 Wanted Level
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: RB, RB, B, RT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT
Phone: 1-999-5299-3787 [1-999-LAWYERUP]
This Lower Wanted Level cheat removes one star from your GTA 5 wanted level every time you enter it.
Refill GTA 5 special ability
PS4 / PS5: X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1, X, RIGHT, LEFT, X
Xbox One / Xbox Series X: A, A, X, RB, LB, A, RIGHT, LEFT, A
Phone: 1-999-769-3787 [1-999-POWERUP]
This GTA 5 code refill your special ability meter for whichever GTA 5 character you're playing. For Franklin that's a Driving Focus slow mo ability in cars. Michael's Bullet Time ability does the same in combat, while Trevor's Red Mist mode decreases damage taken and boosts damage given.
Tekken 8 Cheats and Tips
Tekken 8 launches on January 26th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC, and it’s a hefty upgrade over its predecessors. There are new systems to learn, new characters like Reina, Azucena and Victor to lab, and several new challenges to master. It can get a little overwhelming, especially since each character possesses dozens of techniques and numerous ways to interact with mechanics like Heat.
Bread and Butter Combos
Before you move on to the big, extensive combos, you’ll want to master the bread-and-butter combos first. These are combos which you can execute confidently at a moment’s notice. Reina’s Right Punch combo is a good example – keep pressing Triangle and chaining hits for a solid four-hit combo. These combos are something to fall back on when trying new strategies or incorporating new combos that you’re still learning. Be careful not to use them continuously, lest your opponent punishes you.
Frame Data in Training
Frame data is available in Training mode (no DLC purchase required), but if not automatically enabled, you should do so when jumping in. It will provide information on attack startup frames and frame advantages. However, it’s worth paying attention to status since it denotes when you or your opponent is crouching, airborne, etc, allowing further combo optimization.
Learn to Love Launchers
Tekken is all about those juggles, and Tekken 8 is no different. Launchers will enable some of the best combos in the game, and it’s worth learning all the options a character has. Use the best ones depending on the situation, but keep an eye on your opponent and learn to avoid their launchers. It’s a tall ask due to the sheer range of the roster, but it can save you down the line.
Check All Techniques
When you load into Training and check the Move List, there are two tabs – All Techniques and Main Techniques. The latter summarizes the combos and specialty skills that define a character. However, you’ll want to check All Techniques since it can highlight certain combos and Heat Moves that wouldn’t be mentioned otherwise. It’s useful for mixing up your strategies while diving more in-depth into a character.
Practice, Practice, Practice Combos
There are Sample Combos and Combo Challenges to complete in Training and you’ll likely fail them repeatedly. Demos in the latter help when understanding how certain combos work, but you should be comfortable enough to perform them without seeing the commands on screen. Once you’ve mastered that, try implementing them in your regular gameplay and then return to Training. Practice makes perfect, after all.
Punishment Training
Pulling off combos is great, but how about defending and punishing different characters? Punishment Training is the ticket and provides two settings – Normal and Hard – for different punishment scenarios. The former will see the CPU performing a basic attack or combo and showcasing the ideal punishment to execute. Do it correctly, and you move on to the next scenario. Hard difficulty doesn’t tell you the best punishment – you need to figure it out. Both require abject timing for punishes and are indispensable for countering.
Special Style Tips
Special Style is a new addition and maps several commands, like air combos and low attacks, to the face buttons, which can change based on the directions held. It allows for performing complex combos and signature moves, but you shouldn’t keep mashing a single button and/or direction. Mix things up and toss in other button inputs, if for no other reason than to keep your opponent guessing.
Sims 4 Cheat Codes
Sims 4 Cheat Codes
How to enable the Sims 4 cheats
To use Sims 4 cheat codes, you first need to enable cheats in the game itself. Be warned, though: enabling cheats will mean that achievements or trophies are turned off in this particular save.
On PC, bring up the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Once there, enter testingCheats true and cheats will become enabled in this particular save.
On Xbox One, Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, you can access the cheat menu by pressing and holding LT + RT + LB + RB for a couple of seconds. This will bring up the cheat menu, in which you need to type testingCheats true to enable cheats in this save.
On PS4 and PS5, you need to press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to summon the cheat menu. When it appears, type in testingCheats true and cheats will then be enabled in this world.
How to use The Sims 4 cheat codes
Enabling cheats is one thing, but actually using The Sims 4 cheats is another kettle of fish. The main way you'll actually use cheat codes in The Sims 4 is:
Open the game and load up a world
Bring up the cheat menu (by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on PC, or holding down all the shoulder buttons on console)
Enter testingCheats true and press Done, if you haven't already
Type the relevant cheat code into the little text box in the top-left corner of the screen
Press Done, and the cheat will take effect
The only exceptions to this system are the Interaction Cheats, which are activated in a slightly different way. You still need to be in a world with testingCheats true activated, but then you need to follow the steps below (depending on your platform of choice).
To use The Sims 4 Interaction Cheats on PS4 or PS5, with testingCheats true already activated, hover the cursor over a Sim or an object, hold down Circle and then press X to bring up the Interaction Cheats menu.
On Xbox One, Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, once you have testingCheats true turned on, hold down B and then press A to summon the Interaction Menu.
Or on PC, after activating testingCheats true, hold shift and then click on the Sim/item in question - this will make the Interaction Cheats menu appear, and you can choose from a variety of cheats that it will list for you. All the other cheats in the game can just be typed into the cheat console as we discussed before. For the full list of what you can do, read on!
Full list of The Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, Xbox and PlayStation
The Sims 4 Interaction cheats
Cheat Need > Make Happy - make all your Sim's motives full and set their mood to Happy
Cheat Need > Enable Need Decay or Disable Need Decay - either allows or stops your Sims from Need changes
Reset Object - Reset the status of Sims or objects.
Add to Family - Have a Sim not in your family? Use this cheat to change that.
Modify in CAS - allows you to alter the Sim in Create-a-Sim
Make Dirty or Make Clean - either cleans an object or makes it dirty
Teleport Sim - allows you to move your Sim to a place of your choosing
Make head - will make any item your Sim's new head
The Sims 4 money cheats
kaching - receive 1000 simoleons
rosebud - receive 1000 simoleons
motherlode - receive 50000 simoleons
Money- type any number after the word money to receive that precise amount of dosh
FreeRealEstate on or off - all the lots in this area become free
household.autopay_bills true or false - this one enables or disables monthly bill payments
The Sims 4 Build Mode cheats
modebb.moveobjects - lets you put items wherever you want
bb.showhiddenobjects - reveals hidden objects and lets you buy them
bb.enablefreebuild - lets you build wherever you want
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - lets you get items that are usually locked into certain careers
The Sims 4 Live Mode cheats
resetsim [firstname lastname] - this will reset a stuck Sim, as long as you spell the name right
aspirations.complete_current_milestone - completes the Sim's current aspirational goal
sims.give_satisfaction_points [#] - type any number you want, your Sim will get that many satisfaction points
fillmotive motive_Bladder or Energy or Fun or Hunger or Hygiene or Social - fulfils the specified motive
sims.fill_all_commodities - fulfils every motive in the household
The Sims 4 skill cheats
To max out your Sim's skill level in any of the major skills in the game, these are the convoluted codes you'll want to use:
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10
stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10
Or for child Sims, use these to advance their skills to the max:
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10
stats.set_skill_level_Toddler_Communication 5
stats.set_skill_level_Toddler_Imagination 5
stats.set_skill_level_Toddler_Movement 5
stats.set_skill_level_Toddler_Thinking 5
stats.set_skill_level_Toddler_Potty 3
The Sims 4 career cheats
There are four main Sims 4 Career cheats you'll want to be aware of:
careers.promote - your Sim gets promoted
careers.add_career - gives your Sim a new career of your choice
careers.remove_career - removes a career of your choice from your Sim
careers.retire - your Sims retires from your chosen career and will get a weekly pension instead
GTA 5 cheat codes
GTA 5 cheat codes
Here's a quick rundown of how to enter cheats on each platform:
PS5, PS4 and PS3 - Follow the button prompts in the tables below on controller, or press Up to bring up the cell phone and call the respective number.
Xbox Series, Xbox One and Xbox 360 - Follow the button prompts in the tables below on controller, or press Up to bring up the cell phone and call the respective number.
PC - Follow the button prompts in the tables below on controller, or press the Up key to bring up the cell phone and call the respective number, or press the key to the left of 1 on your keyboard (¬ in the UK or ~ on a US keyboard) to use console commands. Remember to use all capital letters and hit enter when done.
GTA 5 cheats: weapons, armour, invincibility, wanted level, all general cheat codes
What follows is a complete list of all GTA 5 cheat codes, and how to enter them on PS4, PS5 Xbox and PC - plus the Cell Phone code.
Drunk mode
Increases your drunkenness, making you clumsy.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Left
Xbox - Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Left
Cell Phone - 1-999-547867
Fast Swimming
Increases your swimming speed.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Left, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Xbox - Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, RT, Left, LT, Right
Cell Phone - 1-999-46844557
Fast Sprinting
Increases sprint speed.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Xbox - Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X
Cell Phone - 1-999-228-2463
Max Health and Armour
Gives you full body armour and health.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - O, L1, Triangle, R2, X ,Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Xbox - B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-887-853
Super Jump
Gives you a much higher jump.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - L2, L2, Square, O, O, L2, Square, Square, Left, Right, X
Xbox - Left, Left, Y, Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RB, RT
Cell Phone - 1-999-467-8648
Blocks all damage.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Xbox - Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y
Cell Phone - 1-999-724-6545537
Recharge Special Ability
Gives you a full bar of energy for your character's ability.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
Xbox - A, A, X, RB, LB, A, Right, Left, A
Cell Phone - 1-999-769-3787
Slow-Motion Aiming
Aiming down sights will activatie slow-motion mode.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X
Xbox - X, LT, RB, Y, Left, X, LT, Right, A
Cell Phone - 1-999-332-3393
Give Parachute
Adds a usable Parachute to your character.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Left ,Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1
Xbox - Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, Left, Left, Right, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-759-3483
Drops you out of the air from high in the sky.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
Xbox - LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right
Cell Phone - 1-999-759-3255
Raise Wanted Level
Increases your Wanted level by one star.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - R1, R1, O, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Xbox - RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Cell Phone - 1-999-384-48483
Lower Wanted Level
Decreases your Wanted level by one star.
PS3 / PS4 - R1, R1, O, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Xbox - RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Cell Phone - 1-999-529-93787
Give Weapons and Ammo
Gives you a Sawn Off Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, SMG, Pistol, Grenades, RPG and Knife
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X ,Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
Xbox - Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-866-587
Explosive Melee Attacks
Punches make things explode.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2
Xbox - Right, Left, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
Cell Phone - 1-999-468-42637
Explosive Rounds
Shooting things makes them explode.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Xbox - Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-444-439
Flame Rounds
Shooting things sets them on fire.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Xbox - LB, RB, X, RB, Left, RT, RB, Left, X, Right, LB, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-4623-634279
Change Weather
Cycles through one of the nine weather patterns.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
Xbox - RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
Cell Phone - 1-999-625-348-7246
Change Gravity
Activates "moon gravity" in the world.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left
Xbox - Left, Left, LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB, Left
Cell Phone - 1-999-356-2837
Reduce Friction
Causes cars to slide around everywhere.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Xbox - Y, RB, RB, Left, RB, LB, RT, LB
Cell Phone - 1-999-766-9329
Slow Motion
Slows down everything in the world, up to five times before returning to normal.
PS3 / PS4 / PS5 - riangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1
Xbox - Y, Left, Right, Right, X, RT, RB
Cell Phone - 1-999-756-966
Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Cheats
Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Cheats
Pick the best characters
While there are over 130 characters to choose from in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, some are simply better than others. This is why you must pick the best characters to win those extra-tough fights. Although you may enjoy playing with certain characters, they just may not be as powerful as others.
Also, certain character team combinations can lead to Combination Secret Techniques, which we have an in-depth guide on. When you decide to perform Linked Secret Techniques, certain characters grouped together will perform special Secret Techniques, which can give you an advantage.
Learn your combos
Yes, sometimes you can just spam the ‘J’ key and relentlessly attack your enemy, but that won’t work forever. At some point you’ll have to really get to know the combos. Whether they be general or character-specific combos, it’s important to use your best Ninjutsu moves or Secret Techniques to win battles.
You can check out what your combos are by pressing the ‘Esc’ key and look at your combo moves. It’ll then give you a list of special moves your character can perform. Keep these in mind when back on the battlefield, and surprise your opponents.
Simple vs. Normal mode
Sometimes fighting games can be tough, and you got to know when to limit yourself. This is when knowing the difference between Simple and Normal mode is important. Simple Control Style allows you to unleash the strongest combos just with a press of a button. If you’re new to the series, and want a more relaxing time, try this out.
But if you’re ready for a challenge, or you’re familiar with the Ultimate Ninja Storm games, you should pick Normal Control Style. This forces you to learn the combos, but knowing the right moves can be rewarding.
Don’t waste your Substitution Jutsu
This is my biggest mistake when in a battle. To stop enemy attacks, when you can’t escape from them comboing you into the ground, press the ‘H’ key to perform a Substitution Jutsu. You’ll disappear and reappear behind them, giving you the ability to get back into the fight.
Unfortunately, this has charges, and can run out easily. Instead of wasting your Substitution Jutsu, don’t just rely on that to avoid enemy attacks. Try to learn how to dodge, block and perform Counterattacks (K+L keys). This way you can allow your Substitution Jutsu meter to refill.
Assassin's Creed Mirage Cheats
Assassin's Creed Mirage Cheats
Invest in more tools early on
Mirage places a much smaller emphasis on skill trees than the last few Assassin's Creed games. When it comes to expertly sneaking past guards, Basim's tools are the real star of the show, so I recommend focusing on unlocking more as your first priority. You're given one tool unlock for free, and I recommend grabbing the sleeping darts first. The rest are unlocked through the middle skill tree. It takes around six skill points to complete the set—throwing knives, smoke bombs, traps, blowdart, noisemakers—and it's a worthwhile investment before worrying about eagle or focus mode upgrades.
Visit general shops to buy outfit dyes
There are so many free ammo chests on the rooftops of Baghdad that I rarely had to visit general shops (represented by a bag icon on the map) to restock on tools, so it took me way too long to notice the other main thing these merchants sell: outfit dyes! You'll earn dyes for your default assassin garb through the main story, but other outfits have three alternate dyes that you'll find in shops and in treasure chests.
Sell your trinkets
It also took me too long to notice there's a second tab in stores to sell stuff. All those trinkets you've been looting from chests and pockets can and should be sold all at once for a big payout.
Don't sleep on sleep darts
This being a throwback Assassin's Creed, I expected to rely heavily on throwing knives to maintain stealth, but my favorite tool ended up being the basic sleep darts. They don't have the range or permanence of a throwing knife to the head, but they do have subtlety on their side. Putting a guard to sleep will "turn them off" for around 10 seconds. That's just long enough to sneak past their purview, and if another guard discovers their sleepy friend, they'll just wake them up instead of going on high alert (which makes stealth a lot tougher from there on). If you are out for blood, sleep darts are also a great backup if you're out of throwing knives. Their range can be upgraded after unlocking Tier 1, and a later upgrade even makes them lethal.
Smoke bombs are a combat cheat code
My second most-used tool after sleep darts were easily smoke bombs. These can be used to temporarily blind guards from a distance so you can pass unnoticed, but they're actually best used in combat. Throwing one at your feet (which you can do with the quick use command) in the middle of a fight will instantly incapacitate every guard around you, and susceptible to a hidden blade execution. This tactic is so overpowered that it almost feels broken—combat basically comes to a halt as Basim either makes an escape or kills everyone in the smoke cloud for free.
Mortal Kombat 1 Tips
Mortal Kombat 1 Tips
Head to the Tutorial
Yes, we know, nobody likes tutorials. You paid good money for this game, and you're here to punch people and pull off sick Fatalities! But before you step into the ring, it's a good idea to learn how to throw a punch. Even the best fighters need to train.
You'll find Mortal Kombat's tutorial under Learn in the main menu, and it's a good one, up there with some of the best in the genre. MK1's tutorial will walk you through everything: how to move and attack, how to use Kameo Fighters, how to play offense, how to defend yourself, how to read and use Frame Data, and how to play Neutral. These are vital lessons.
It can be a lot to take in if you're a new player, but you don't have to do every lesson at once. It's okay to get a feel for the basics and then start playing matches. Remember, the goal of a fighting game is to have fun, and learning to play well is a marathon, not a sprint. Go at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Plus, you'll get Koins you can spend to unlock cool collectibles in the Kollection!
Spend Some Time in the Lab
Once you've got a feel for the basics, head to Training Mode (or what we in the FGC call "The Lab"), and start trying characters out. You don't need to practice flashy kombos, nail down complex oki situations, or even understand your kharacter's neutral. Right now, your goal should be to experiment.
Try out your character's normal and special moves and see what feels good. If you're super curious, you can even check out their frame data, if that will help you decide. You might also want to do some simple kombos and see what feels natural to you.
Don't get discouraged if no kharacters stand out immediately. The hardest part of any fighting game is finding the character for you, and Mortal Kombat 1 is no exception. You don't have to find the answer right away. Just play around and see who you enjoy.
Learn Your Defensive Mechanics
Now it's time to learn some stuff that will serve you well no matter who you play.
First, you're going to want to learn MK1's defensive mechanics. That means learning how to do things that will serve you well in any fighting game (like blocking low by default, and trying to react to high hits), but it also means mastering Mortal Kombat-specific mechanics like combo breakers, flawless blocks, up blocks, and your various wakeup options. Luckily, the tutorial will teach you all of this stuff, so you won't have to learn it on your own.
Defense is one of the hardest aspects of any fighting game to learn, and most players tend to master it last.
By learning the basics now, you'll master techniques you can bring to any character, and have a leg up on many players early on. Plus, knowing how to escape combos (and avoid being hit in the first place) in a game where an experienced player can take half your health bar with a single touch will be really helpful.
Street Fighter 6 Cheat Codes
Street Fighter 6 Cheat Codes
Street Fighter 6 How To Get Infinite Money & EXP
To get infinite money: Play mini-games at Junkyard Smallz (North of Chinatown) with these specific settings. On the Main Menu, press the Options button, then select Options, then Controls, and there you can change the Player 1 & 2 Control Settings to Modern Type Controls. (Classic Type only becomes available after playing a few chapters in World Tour.)
Now go play a mini-game on Easy Mode and keep pressing the heavy attack button to perform an assisted combo over and over again for an easy 3,000 Zenni money per minute each time.
To get infinite experience points: The best ways to farm EXP in World Tour Mode are: Sparring with citizens (students & masters) and fighting with gang mobs.
The best location to get waves of attacks going at you — that reward you with 800 EXP per wave — is in: The alley and wire fenced area just below the Skyway, near the basketball court where you get the oversized black sweater drop.
How To Play Final Fight & Street Fighter 2 In Street Fighter 6
How To Play Final Fight & Street Fighter 2: Classic Capcom fighting games are emulated perfectly inside Street Fighter 6’s Arcade. New games get changed during the daily rotation.
As you know, you can take the fighter avatar you create in World Tour and bring them into the Battle Hub floor to fight other avatars in Avatar Battle and check out Arcade cabinets to play against other players. Or as you wait before playing your next match in the lobby, you can head to the Game Center area and go sit behind one of the many retro Arcade machines that have classic Capcom arcade games like Final Fight and Street Fighter 2 fully playable.
Multiplayer Tip: If you’re playing locally with two players behind one game system, you can even play those games in multiplayer; and technically you can play those classics online with a buddy using game share!
Alternately, you can link your Capcom ID to your game system’s account and own both Street Fighter 5 & 6 in order to unlock the ability to play Street Fighter 2 game from the Gallery in Street Fighter 6. It’s a nice reward for having played Street Fighter 5 on your Capcom account.
Death's Door Cheats
Death's Door Cheats
Death's Door Cheats (PlayStation 5)
Farm Souls Fast
After getting the hookshot (early-late game), return to the Stranded Sailor. From the door head east, then east again across the boardwalk, until you reach the end. Hookshot across and you'll encounter a giant metal knight wielding a mace. By this stage of the game, you're pretty beefed up so it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to defeat it. Defeating it will net you 50 souls.
Return to the door, exit, and re-enter the Stranded Sailor and it will reset the spawn. Rinse and repeat. You can easily farm 100 Souls per minute with this method.
Frog sewer glitch (PS4)
In the battle with hammer welding knights in the sewers, you can lead the knights to the statue at the top have them at that spot in front of the statue and then go to the other side of the map and they will walk right into to water and die.
Resident Evil 4 Cheats For PlayStation 5
Resident Evil 4 Cheats For PlayStation 5
Infinite Rocket Launcher
In order to unlock the Infinite Rocket Launcher, you must beat the game, and then start a New Game Plus. When you meet The Merchant again, you can purchase the Infinite Rocket Launcher for 2,000,000 pesetas. However, you can get that price down to 1,600,000 pesetas if you have the Leon w/Rocket Launcher Charm.
End the village battle before Chainsaw Man appears.
Upon entering the village where the car driver is being set ablaze, you can go onto the roof in the house where you get the shotgun switch to any long range weapon (sniper rifle), Aland shoot the bell in the distance.
After doing so the cut scene that makes everyone leave the immediate vicinity will trigger immediately instead of after four minutes.
Egging Salazar
Salazar is allergic to eggs, so save up a couple of Golden Eggs to throw for his fight. One Golden Egg will cause 70% damage, and two will kill him instantly.
Kill Los Dos Gigantes Without Luis
During the fight with Los Dos Gigantes, Luis will retreat to find some explosives. If you manage to kill both Gigantes without Luis returning and using the explosives, he'll react with confusion. If you wait for Luis to return with the explosives, but kill both Gigantes without his help, he'll say a different line and react with disappointment.
Shoot The Lake
When you get to the lake before the Del Lago fight, head to the end of the dock and start shooting into the water. You'll be able to kill a few fish before Del Lago itself appears and triggers a unique game over.
Scoping The Body Bags
You'll reach a section where you have to maneuver through a room while carefully avoiding several hanging body bags. If you touch one that contains an enemy, it'll start attacking. However, this can be made much easier if you have the Biosensor Scope. You can use it to peek into body bags and see which ones contain enemies.
Ashley's Armor Effects
Ashley's armor is more than just another outfit. As long as she wears it, she's impervious to almost all attacks and friendly fire, including the Rocket Launcher. She'll shrug off getting hit by bullets, but still act disgusted if you throw eggs at her. She will also be too heavy for enemies to pick up, and Leon will have an extra animation where he holds his back in pain after lifting her. This armor makes several sections of the castle much easier to get through.
Brute Quick Kill
When you first fight a Brute, lure it to the nearby hanging bridge, and then throw a grenade at it. If positioned correctly, the Brute will stumble, fall off the bridge, and die instantly. It will even leave its loot on the bridge. This method will save you lots of time and ammo.
Méndez Quick Kill
If you have the Bolt Thrower that's been upgraded with Attachable Mines, you can kill Méndez very quickly. Go inside the building where the boss fight takes place, but be careful not to walk far enough to trigger the cutscene. Carefully shoot at least 4 mines on the ground where Méndez will spawn at the beginning of the fight. Then aim up at the central wooden beam going across the ceiling, and shoot at least another 6 mines on the beam. Then walk forward to trigger the cutscene. When the fight starts, Méndez will trigger the mines on the ground; if they don't kill his first form immediately, they will still severely damage and leave him wide open to your attacks. When Méndez starts using his second form, he'll grab on to the center beam on the ceiling and trigger that second set of mines. If done correctly, Méndez will die in a matter of seconds.
Armored El Gigante Quick Kill
When you fight the Armored El Gigante at the castle ramparts, you're supposed to go through the whole area while dodging its projectiles, and eventually kill it with a cannon. But if you have a Rocket Launcher, you skip all of that and kill it with a single hit.
Arcade Paradise Cheat Codes(PS5)
Arcade Paradise Cheat Codes
Golden washing machine
Get golden washing machines that only spit out S (highest rank) laundry.
Effect Code Konami code: Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A
Unlimited Sterling Money Glitch: Earn Infinite Cash
Discover an incredible money glitch that allows you to effortlessly accumulate a never-ending amount of Sterling(£) by simply completing a to-do list. This glitch can be accessed on the day you are granted the opportunity to play games. Follow the steps below to unlock this unlimited money glitch and start earning massive amounts of Sterling(£) instantly.
Step 1: Wait for the Play Games Day
To begin exploiting this glitch, patiently wait for the day when you are assigned the Play Games activity. This day will present you with a valuable opportunity to earn a substantial amount of Sterling(£).
Step 2: Access the To-Do List
Once the Play Games Day arrives, you will be provided with a "To Do" list containing three games. These games will be stored in a cabinet. Proceed to the cabinet and open each of the games, but note that you do not need to complete any of them.
Step 3: Press "X" and Exit
To trigger the money glitch, simply press the "X" button on the cabinet, indicating that you have interacted with the games. After doing so, exit the game without actually playing or completing any of the games.
Step 4: Complete the "To Do" List
By opening all three games and pressing "X" on the cabinet, you will have successfully completed the "To Do" list, thereby earning a certain amount of Sterling(£). The glitch allows you to exploit this opportunity repeatedly.
Step 5: Repeat the Process
Return to any gaming cabinets listed in the "To Do" list and repeatedly complete the tasks. Each time you complete the list, you will earn additional Sterling(£). Take advantage of this glitch to accumulate as much Sterling(£) as possible throughout the day.
By following these simple steps, you can exploit the unlimited Sterling(£) money glitch and enjoy a never-ending stream of cash by completing a to-do list. Make the most of this opportunity on Play Games Day and continue earning massive amounts of Sterling(£) effortlessly.
Arcade Paradise Description
Manage profits, pick up gum, do the laundry and get coin to unlock arcade units and flip the family laundromat business to become an Arcade Paradise!
Aggressive Inline Cheat Codes (GameCube)
Aggressive Inline Cheat Codes
Aggressive Inline Cheat mode
Enter PLZDOME as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu.
Level select, all park editor objects, full stats
Enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, BABA as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu to unlock all levels and park editor themes.
All characters
Enter Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Right as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu to unlock all characters.
All keys
Enter SKELETON as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu to unlock all keys.
Never die
Enter KHUFU as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu.
Juice regeneration
Enter Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, AI as a passwords at the “Cheats” screen under the options menu.
Cheat Codes That Should Be Included in Games
Cheat codes have been a beloved part of the gaming world for decades, offering players a chance to enhance their gaming experience
Cheat codes have been a beloved part of the gaming world for decades, offering players a chance to enhance their gaming experience, experiment with gameplay mechanics, or simply have a bit of lighthearted fun. From invincibility to unlimited resources, cheat codes have provided players with an alternate way to engage with their favorite games. As game developers continue to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, here are some cheat codes that should be considered for inclusion in future games.
1. Time Manipulation Mastery (TMM)
Time manipulation is a concept that has fascinated gamers for years. Imagine a cheat code that allows players to control time within the game world. With the Time Manipulation Mastery cheat code, players could pause, rewind, or fast-forward the game's timeline, giving them the power to rectify mistakes, explore different outcomes, or breeze through challenging sections.
2. Gravity-Defying Mode (GDM)
Who wouldn't want to experience the thrill of soaring through the skies or bouncing around like a rubber ball? The Gravity-Defying Mode cheat code could enable players to alter the laws of physics, granting them the ability to defy gravity and experience the game world from a whole new perspective. This cheat could lead to creative level design and unique gameplay strategies.
3. Artistic Expression Embrace (AEE)
Many modern games offer players the option to capture stunning in-game screenshots. The Artistic Expression Embrace cheat code could take this a step further by enabling players to manipulate the visual aesthetics of the game world in real-time. From adjusting the color palette to applying artistic filters, this cheat code would transform the game into a living canvas for players to experiment with their creative vision.
4. Companion Customizer (CC)
Imagine having the ability to customize and control a loyal in-game companion with precision. The Companion Customizer cheat code would grant players the freedom to adjust various aspects of their companion's behavior, appearance, and abilities. This could lead to dynamic interactions and deeper emotional connections between players and their virtual companions.
5. Genre Bender (GB)
Why stick to one genre when you can explore them all? The Genre Bender cheat code could seamlessly transition the game from one genre to another, creating unexpected and thrilling gameplay experiences. Imagine starting as a first-person shooter and suddenly finding yourself in a turn-based strategy scenario, all at the player's whim.
6. Dynamic Difficulty Dials (DDD)
Striking the perfect balance between challenge and enjoyment can be tricky. The Dynamic Difficulty Dials cheat code would place players in the driver's seat, allowing them to fine-tune the game's difficulty parameters in real-time. Whether you're craving a relaxed exploration experience or a nail-biting challenge, this cheat code ensures that players have full control over their gaming journey.
7. Nostalgia Trip (NT)
For gamers who revel in nostalgia, the Nostalgia Trip cheat code would be a dream come true. Upon activation, this code would transform the game's graphics, sound, and mechanics into a retro-inspired version reminiscent of the player's favorite gaming era. It's a delightful way to pay homage to gaming's roots while enjoying modern gameplay innovations.
8. Parallel Universe Portal (PUP)
Parallel universes have long been a fascinating concept in science fiction. With the Parallel Universe Portal cheat code, players could open gateways to alternate versions of the game world, each with its own unique twists, challenges, and stories. This cheat code would encourage exploration and provide endless replayability.
Cheat codes have always been a way for players to unlock new dimensions of enjoyment within their favorite games. While not all cheat codes are suited for every game, incorporating innovative and creative cheats like the ones mentioned above could elevate the gaming experience to new heights. As game developers continue to craft immersive worlds and engaging narratives, the inclusion of such imaginative cheat codes could provide players with even more reasons to dive into virtual adventures with unbridled excitement.